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Frequently Asked Questions

Help Dialog Widgets provide users with FAQs tailored to particular site pages to help user answer their questions.

Custom Help Dialog Widgets

Each Widget can be customized to show custom FAQs for pages. Each page or pages like Home, Product pages, Pricing etc. can have its own set of FAQs.

Search FAQs and Knowledge Base Articles

Users can search FAQs and a specific knowledge base for articles from the Help Dialog widget. Posts can also be searched.

Contact Us Form

Users can submit a contact form to ask questions or get for more help from the Help Dialog window.

Requests Submissions

User questions and requests that were submitted can be sent to a specific email. All submissions are available in the back end.


Basic analytics about number of times Help Dialog was invoked, user searched and submitted request.

Pre-made Designs

Choose from pre-made designs with a variety of styles. You can further customize the design you choose.

Live Editor

Easy and simple frontend Editor helps you change colors, labels, fonts, and styles in no time.

Multisite Compatible

Echo Help Dialog works with the WordPress multi-site feature.

Polylang Compatible

Supports use of Polylang plugins for multi-language sites.

WPML Compatible

Supports use of WPML plugins for multi-language sites.

Multi-language Support
Change or translate any text label on the front-end using any of 12 translated languages.
WCAG accessibility

Complies with basic WCAG accessibility for people with disabilities, including blindness.

RTL (Right-To-Left) Styling

This Help Dialog fully supports RTL CSS files for both admin screens and frontend pages.

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Join 15,000+ Professionals who use Echo Knowledge Base to Build Documentation for their Business.

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